Different female horoscope's weakness
AriesYou tend to be very naive. You trust your judgment on others but unfortunately your judgment is often wrong. | |
TaurusYou can be very needy. Remember it will cause the other party pressure if you are too clingy. | |
GeminiGemini can be very competitive. Try not to give yourself too much pressure by wanting to be the best all the time. | |
CancerTry to be open and honest to yourself. You can keep looking for excuses to convince yourself that the other party likes and cares about you. | |
LeoLeo tends to be blind in a relationship. You tend to follow your intuition too much. | |
VirgoVirgo can be very critical. You are born a perfectionist. But remember you are not perfect yourself. | |
LibraYou can be too accommodating. Try to voice your opinion and be yourself. | |
ScorpioYou can get jealous very easily. In a relationship you are possessive and very vain. | |
SagittariusYou can be too devoted and patient at times. It is time to let your voice be heard. | |
CapricornCapricorn can be very stubborn. | |
AquariusAquarius can be too confident. Try to listen to others. | |
PiscePisces can be very unrealistic. |
Daily Horoscope Readings
Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer |
Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio |
Sagittarius | Capricorn | Aquarius | Pisces |
Daily Zodiac Readings
Rat | Ox | Tiger | Rabbit |
Dragon | Snake | Horse | Goat |
Monkey | Rooster | Dog | Pig |